Forest School Canada

Forest School Canada (FSC) is a project of the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada (CNAC). FSC/CNAC provides evidence-based and practical professional learning opportunities for anyone interested in supporting the healthy development of children through play and learning outside. Two- and three-day workshops are offered (ex. Introduction to Forest and Nature School, Introduction to Risky Play) as well as a year-long Forest and Nature School Practitioner course (a blended learning opportunity that is face-to-face and on-line).A selection of tools from the FSC/CNAC model informs some of our policies, procedures and principles.

Both Chloe and Wendy are part of a team of 20+ facilitators for FSC/CNAC. Though Bushkids is not directly affiliated with CNAC, Wendy and Chloe offer FSC/CNAC courses by request and private scheduling.

For a list of workshops and course offerings offered by Bushkids visit our Professional Development Courses page.