Learning Story – Tracks in the Snow

The Week of December 3, 2024
What Happened?
Lots of snow fell the night before! We did some investigating at the very beginning of the day. We took pictures to document the tracks that we saw. We tried not to step on the tracks so others could enjoy seeing them. We had to be so mindful – why do we keep forgetting to pay attention and not step on the tracks? We got so much better at remembering. Our eyes adjusted to the light and to finding new patterns in the snow.
We heard:
“Oh hey we are looking for tracks! Please don’t step on them!”
“Why is this one soooo tiny??”
“This one is floating.”
“This one is newer because it has less snow in it.” We blew the snow out.
“This one leads to a tree and then stops. Is it a squirrel?”
Why is it Important?
It is an important reminder for the Bushkids that they are welcomed here by the animals, to their home. They are so happy to see us and that we care enough to come back every week. They hope that we are curious about them, where they live, what their tracks look like, what they eat and how they love to play too! It’s a significant way to develop relationship with the Land.
What Does This Mean For Next Time?
The Bushkids learned about the tracks of a squirrel and how to identify them. Next week we will bring in some squirrels to clean, skin and stretch! All Bushkids will be invited to take one home. We have invited a knowledge holder who is a trapper to share their experiences and skills with us.